A Self-Centered Universe: Understanding Narcissism
by Marni Hill Yarrington, PhD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist We hear people say “so and so is a narcissist,” so much these days, it’s become a buzz word. But what is a narcissist? And how do you know if your partner is one? The term narcissism comes from Greek...
New Year, New Me?
by Jessica Robinett, MA, LPC We’re all guilty of it! December 27 rolls around and we start looking towards the new year and thinking about all the things that we didn’t get done in this year and the emotions start flooding in. Guilt, shame, frustration, and...
It Takes A Village: The Importance of Community
by Kayla Morgan, MS, LPC A quote I have heard repeatedly, is “it takes a village.” According to Wikipedia, the original quote “it takes a village to raise a child” is an African proverb meaning it takes a whole community of people interacting with a child to ensure he...
Being Content At All Times
By Dr. Allen Bonner, DPC, LPC Have you ever struggled with being content? We all have at some point especially during hard times. It can be difficult to maintain joy when going through the to-do list of daily life, or a health scare, or when trying to work on an...
Joy Can Be Found
By Shannon Rainey, MS, LPC-S As the holiday quickly approaches, it is evident from TV commercials, Christmas carols, ugly Christmas sweaters, and family gatherings that there is an expectation to be cheerful and JOYFUL. That seems hard for about 89.9% of us. After...
The Therapist’s Perspective
by Dr. Allen Bonner, DPC, LPC Counseling sessions with different clients are always just that….different! No client or counselor is the same, but one conversation that usually comes up, at least in the therapy room with me, is “What came first? The chicken or...
Being Mindful in a Busy Society
by Kayla Morgan, MS, LPC Summer can be a season of busyness from summer camps to vacations to children being home from school. Growing up, summer feels like a lifetime, but as an adult it feels like a flash and all of a sudden fall routines begin again (school,...
Hitting the COVID Wall
by Rebecca Hartfield, LCSW Over the last 18 months our nation has encountered an enormous amount change, families have experienced grief and loss, increased economic stressors, social unrest and isolation. This has left more than one third of Americans struggling with...
Empowering the Anxious Child
by Alice Goff, MS, LPC From the moment parents bring their bundle of joy home, the journey begins to love, teach, and protect the precious life they’ve been entrusted with. In those early days, it seems the parents’ main role is to soothe the crying or uncomfortable...
Can I Love My Neighbor and Still Have Boundaries?
by Jessica Robinett, MA, LPC In Mark 12, Jesus is asked by a scribe, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Jesus answers with, “…you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your...
Change is Coming: Understanding Adjustment
by Alice Goff, MS, LPC To say that we’ve all had to make significant changes to our ways of life would be an understatement in light of the last seven months of COVID-19. Some of us embrace change and the possibilities to come. Some of us, however, struggle...
Suicide: Another Pandemic
by Rebecca Hartfield, MS, LCSW As we enter into these cooler months, we are greeted with the idea of Fall. Stores begin placing Fall and Halloween décor in their aisles, shoppers are greeted with the smell of Pumpkin Spice, and what remains of professional...